Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
Close up of hand holding Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
Close up of hand holding Emily Lex Studio Watercolor Paintbrush Set (5 pcs)
$28.00 Sale Save

Watercolor Paintbrush Set

SKU: 50412

Title 5 pcs
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The perfect brushes for your watercolor painting. A variety of sizes will allow for all your painting needs. Sizes 8, 6, and 4 are excellent for the bulk of your paintings, and size 2 and 0 are great for those tiniest of marks.

Made in the USA.
Be sure to rinse thoroughly and let dry flat to keep a nice point on the bristles.
Golden synthetic taklon bristles, seamless aluminum ferrule and lacquered wood handle.
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