Ingredients may be subject to change. The most accurate and up to date product ingredient list can also found on the product packaging.
Oribe was founded by renowned celebrity hairstylist Oribe and beauty industry veterans Daniel Kaner and Tev Finger. With the mission to create a new kind of hair company designed with the most talented salon professionals and most discriminating customers in mind, they leveraged innovative skin care technology and natural actives to deliver high-performance, treatment-based products. Supporting the idea that healthy hair is the foundation for sexy, glamorous styling, each product has been tested at length on set, backstage and in the salon to ensure that it delivers best-in-class results. With the addition of the bath and body line, Eau de Parfum collection, and luxury candles, all inspired by the beauty and elegance of the Cote d’Azur, Oribe has made the transformation to a complete lifestyle brand that caters to mind, body and spirit.
Items containing Alcohol or that are pressurized (aerosols) are considered Dangerous Goods and require special handling.
When these items ship by air Internationally, they must be shipped by specific, approved carriers such as FedEx and UPS. The charge is often in excess of $180, not the cost listed in our Shopping Cart.
Brokerage and other fees may apply once the package reaches the destination country. Beautyhabit has no control over these fees, and they are in addition to the shipping cost at origination.
Some countries are not approved for Dangerous Goods Shipments. If your country is not approved, you will be notified by email. We do not ship Dangerous Goods to Canada because the duties/taxes are prohibitive.
Please note that Customs Clearance may be required for ANY International shipment. This clearance may take up to 8 weeks regardless of the products ordered and method of shipment.